Monday, April 23, 2012

A Goodwill find, turned art!

My first apartment was incredibly small. One bedroom, and no wall space. So in turn, I had very little art and decorations. I managed  with decorative throw pillows and a few knicknacks. Moving to a new, bigger apartment (in a new state, no less!), has afforded me with more wallspace, but a vastly depleted budget. Finding ways to decorate on a budget has been a fun challenge. I was recently in my local Goodwill, and I found these little gems:

Three wicker panels for $1.99!  Check out the texture of these

I wanted to paint on them, but was unsure what... Since there was 3 I thought I could do a tryptich, a silhouette possibly. I thought about the oh so popular birds on a wire, but didn't think my husband would be too keen on that. Then it came to me! I could do a boat of some sort. My husband was in the Navy, and boats are manly, and I love nautical anything. So here is what I came up with:

I found an image I liked online and used black acrylic paint and freehanded the image onto the panels. I Hung it up above the dining room table (which my husband claimed as his "office"). It helps to fill the wall space and add some color on the bare white walls!

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